Canoe-kayak excursion
Canoe Kayak
Canoe-kayak excursion
on the Arcachon Bay
randonnée en canoë kayak
Discover one of the most beautiful spots of the Arcachon Bay by canoe-kayak : the Île aux oiseaux and the Cabanes Tchanquées, the Pilat Dune, the Banc d’Arguin, the oyster-farming ports and the Leyre river delta.
You will share a relaxing moment and discover new landscapes as the tides go by.

You will go kayaking on the Arcachon Bay, supervised by state certified instructors and to discover diferent spots :
- The Pilat Dune excursion (3h long) :
You will start from Pyla-Sur-Mer, then go toward the Banc d’Arguin – this big stretch of sand, natural reserve – which we can see from the Pilat Dune. We will share with you the fragile balance of this environment and enjoy a break to observe with binoculars this environment’s nature such as gulls, terns, oysters, ringed plovers…
This excursion is open to all the family, you have to be able to swim. We begin our excursion at the end of a tide to come back with the begging of the next one.
During the return, we will have a break below the Pilat Dune to observe the particular vegetation of this spot.
This is a true environmental excursion for having a better comprehension of the apparition of the Bay and its environmental issues.
- The Îles aux oiseaux and the Cabanes Tchanquées excursion (4h long) :
You will start from Arcachon then go toward this emblematic spot of the Arcachon Bay, going along the oyster fields. It will be the occasion to observe various bird species present on the poles. Then we will have a break at the Cabanes Tchanquées and you will have a 360° view point of the Arcachon Bay.
We will also have a break on the edge of this island to share with you its patrimony through its five cities.
This excursion is addressing to a public in good physical condition, be able to swim is still mandatory, it’s a 10km long excursion! We always sail as the tides go by, we start from Arcachon with the flood tide to come back to the initial point with the ebb tide.
It’s necessary to leave early on the morning but it worths it!
Practical informations
Kayak sit-on top Dag Treck2 (2 adult places and 1 central place for a child),
Mandatory lifejacket,
Double asymmetric paddle
Swimsuit, closed shoes, tee-shirt, eye-glass leash, sunscreen, hat, water bottle, extra clothes and a small snack for long excursions.
On reservation
Pilat Dune / Banc d’Arguin excursion – 3h : 35€/person
Île aux oiseaux / cabanes tchanquées excursion : 4h : 44€/person
Excursion on the Leyre delta : 4h : 44€/person
Excursion on the Sanguinet lake : 2h : 28€/person
Ready to enjoy a good moment ?
Our team will be happy to welcome your
Every excursion is subjected to tides. You will see on the excursion schedule the dates, the departure times and the departure locations for these excursions.